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Top Google searches of 2020

Two stories marked the year 2020: corona virus and the American election. Still, web users were interested in many other things…

We present to you an overview of the ‘hot’ topics that filled the media in 2020 and promoted online search!


Top Google searches: Election results, Coronavirus, Kobe Bryant

Most Googled people: Joe Biden, Kim Jong Un, Kamala Harris

Most Googled actors: Tom Hanks, Chris D’Elia, Jada Pinkett Smith

Most Googled babies: Elon Musk baby, baby platypus, Ice Age baby

Americans were very curious how a platypus baby, an endangered representative of marsupials in Australia, looks like. Here we can see this unusual animal in the nest.

Top beauty queries: How to cut men’s hair at home, How to plop hair (how to wrap your hair in a t-shirt), How to color your hair at home

Most Googled definitions: WAP (short for ”wet ass pussy”, the title of a popular hip hop song), entanglement (mix-up, complication), antebellum (the time right before the start of the American Civil War)

Za ogled vstavljene vsebine morate omogočiti shranjevanje piškotkov v napravi
WAP is the title of the hit song by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion: the music video has been viewed more than 313 million times on Youtube in the months since its premiere.

How-tos: How to make hand sanitizer, How to make a face mask with fabric, How to make whipped coffee

Most Googled movies: Parasite, 1917, Black Panther

Did any of these surprise you?
